Sunday, April 22, 2007
flock of birds
Heh, that's how i see it. A flock of white birds flapping feathers every morning. Analogy aside, it means a group of fresh new dentists with our white coats going for ward rounds. Tailing obediently behind our boss, the man with a charming smile =p. ( Just stating the obvious, no feelings involved, thank you.)
yeap, that's where i am now, doing my hospital attachments until August. The first few weeks were depressing, but eventually im starting to enjoy my hospital days. Made some new friends who make my days sunny, with our suppressed laughters and controlled giggles, ( we are not allowed to turn the clinic into some sort of 'pasar' with our woman-ly chat ). Ohh..and it's women's conferences alright, as there are less than 10 males around. heheh..
It's the morning ward rounds that starts our days in hospital. Equipped with notebook and pen ( and smtmes,to those who are not on ward duty, we'll go melenggang to ward ..hehe), marching in group. Us, the nine new female FYDOs ( which DrD smtmes would playfully declare " surrounded by my dayang-dayang !!! ") with that big grin on his face. And we would go and see patients, note their conditions and write in the bed ticket. The times where we can see reality right in front of our eyes. The looks of parents waiting patiently by the bedside. The sad, hopeful eyes. The sufferings of another human being, lying with all sorts of injuries and conditions. It makes me shudder slightly, silently whisper a prayer in my heart.
" Ya Allah, sejahterakanlah mereka, dan jauhkanlah dari kami , wahai Tuhan Maha Memberi Perlindungan .."
Each time we push open the ward door and walk in groups towards the patient's bed, i can feel everyone's eyes following us. Our footsteps making a certain rhythm on the ward floor. I used to found their staring a bit uncomfortable, but we got it almost every morning, it is now a part of the daily routine. their staring, and us walking. I like to see the morning ward rounds as our morning exercise, to perk us up and get our muscles moving. Smtmes, we purposely pick the stairs instead of the elevators, throwing one bird with two stones. Going for ward rounds and getting a healthier body... hehe.
I will be on ward duty next week, so let say it's gonna be quite a week, hopefully not too many motor-vehicle accidents (MVA) cases. Another ward round..everyone..=]
Be ready to fly, 'flock of birds' !
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
bila diam
Dah lama tak betul-betul diam. Diam sehingga apa yang didengari telinga hanyalah suara dr kepala sendiri. Masa terbaik untuk berfikir. Dan merenung diri.
Mungkin kerana kurangnya diam ini yang menjadikan aku mati idea bila duduk menghadap komputer. Sedangkan banyak yang aku ingin ceritakan. Peristiwa yang aku lihat. Perasaan yang aku rasa. Tak tahu mana hilangnya ....
Aku pernah tulis dahulu, tentang sifat manusia. Manusia yang tak pernah puas hati, sentiasa tamak dan mahukan lebih. Manusia yang lupa bersyukur dan hanya akan ingat bila sudah tiada atau memerlukan. Manusia yang tak boleh hidup bersendirian kerana fitrah yang diciptakan berpasangan. Tentang perasaan manusia yang tidak kekal, sepertimana tidak kekalnya manusia itu sendiri.
Mengetahui hakikat manusia begini, kenapa nak dikeluh-kesahkan atau disedihkan dengan perkara-perkara yang suatu hari nanti akan lenyap dan hilang dari hidup kita. Yang tidak kekal. Manusia akan mati. Memang akan sangat sedih dan merana, tapi Tuhan dengan segala kebijaksanaan-Nya yang Maha Agung menciptakan manusia itu perasaan yang boleh berubah-ubah. Rasa sedih takkan lama, satu hari nanti akan ketawa semula. Rasa sayang yang teramat juga ada pasang dan surutnya. Dan yang pergi akan ada pengganti.
Apa yang ada dalam tangan kita hari ni, bersyukur. Apa yang tiada atau hilang dari kita, redha dan percaya pasti ada kebaikan di sebaliknya.
" Ya Allah..jangan Kau lupakan atau abaikan aku, di saat aku menjauh dari-Mu kerana kelemahanku. ..."
Thursday, April 12, 2007
know your limits
It's really important to know ones limit. When u dont know, say u dont. Dont go pretending to be knowledegble and inflict harm on another human with your foolish, arrogant act. Dont act 'bodoh sombong', yet dont be proud not knowing the stuffs you know you should. It's normal to not knowing everything, but you have to go back and read up.
When you're dealing with human, those who trust their life on gives you boundariless and unimaginable power under the tittle 'doctor'. These people, they dont have the priviledge of knowing stuffs you learn in school, some simply shrug their shoulders and say.." ikutlah doktor nak buat apa pun.." (err..i dont really like this attitude..). Imagine what u can do when ppl enthrust such power on you. Without good conscience, you can be the biggest of all evils. Because you are in the position where u can do whatever you wish to the patient sitting in front of you. Esp when u are working in areas where they cant really see what u are doing, eg the oral region..( some of them can even happily sleep on the chair while the dentist is working..)
Just bear one thing in mind, that 'God is watching'. Everything that we do, every thought that crosses our mind will one day be questioned and witnessed in front of us in the Days of Judgement. If that can't make our knees buckle with fear, well..then, i dont know what will.
learn to say.." im sorry, i dont know.., but i will look up."