Sunday, September 30, 2007

ubat hati

Ubat hati, ada lima perkara..
Yang pertama, baca Quran dan maknanya..
Yang kedua, solat malam dirikanlah..
Yang ketiga, duduk bersama orang soleh..”

Terdengar nasyid dari negara seberang ini dalam radio masa tengah bawa kereta perjalanan balik ke rumah di Puchong. Terasa sangat Tuhan kasihkan aku. Saat-saat jiwa lalai, diingatkan aku kembali.

Masih ingat lagi, ayah bagi tafsir Quran sehari sebelum aku mendaftar di sekolah SMAPL 12 tahun dulu..( waah…terasa tuanya aku skrg..).
Dan Quran ini lah yang aku kilik ke matriks, ke universiti sehingga ke tempat aku bekerja skrg. Dari kulitnya baru berkilat, sehingga koyak dan terpaksa dibalut. Tetap yang ini.

Tafsir Quran yang menjadi tempat aku memfasihkan bacaan ayat Tuhan. Kalam yang aku dakap dan hadap sejak sekolah hingga sekarang. Teringat kata-kata seorg kawan masa kat universiti dulu..” hadiah terbaik yang kita boleh bagi seseorang adalah al-Quran. Selagi orang itu membacanya, selagi itulah pahalanya mengalir pada kita..”.

Kitab yang menjadi buku cerita terhebat. Kisah manusia, Penciptaan alam semesta. Hukum dalam Islam, tatakrama kehidupan. Kedahsyatan hari kiamat diceritakan dalam surah an-Naba’, at-Takwiir, al-Infithaar, al-Insyiqaaq. Surah al-Waaqiah tentang pembahagian manusia kepada 3 golongan. Surah Al-Fajr dan al-Qiyaamah. Sambil mulut membaca ayat, selang-selikan dengan membaca tafsir ayatnya, aqar dapat lebih menghayati apa yang kita baca.

Dan kadang-kadang tu, bila hati rasa tidak tenang, rasa resah gelisah memikirkan segala macam masalah manusia, masa tengah baca dan belek tafsir, mata akan terpandang beberapa baris maksud ayat. Seolah-olah diberi penawar kepada rasa gelisah, yang menjawab persoalan2 dalam kepala. Betapalah pertolongan Tuhan itu datang di saat kita amat memerlukannya. Dan sekali lagi akan terasa, betapa Allah Maha Pengasih Maha Penyayang. Selangkah kita mencarinya, seribu langkah Dia datang.

Semoga sama-sama kita memanfaatkan Ramadhan, agar tidak rugi dan menyesal melepaskan peluang yg hanya datang sekali dlm setahun. Sebulan untuk tarbiyyah diri yg 'lalai'. Bulan mendidik hawa nafsu dan mensucikan hati. Bulan keberkatan yg setiap saat di dalam bulan ini menjanjikan peluang keampunan dan rahmat yg berlipatganda. Tak tahu nasib kita tahun depan, masih berkesempatankah bertemu Ramadhan sekali lagi...

Doakan saya jugak ye..=]

p/s : ermm..tak boleh nak re-call ayat seterusnya dlm nasyid td, yg keempat dan kelima...anyone nak tolong ? =]

Saturday, September 29, 2007


It’s always not easy when you are a lil bit different from people around you.

You will attract eyes to you when you wear a green top with bright pink skirt, when everyone else wear the ordinary, common colours.
You will draw attention when you choose to ride a bicycle to work when the rest of your colleagues drive big cars, leaving you behind with the dust fumes.
You will be considered weird if you bury your head in books, when the rest of your workmates sit around at one table gossiping.
You will be jeered as being too outspoken, if you stand up during meetings and give opinions about certain matters that you think is not right.
And you will be questioned continuously by people when you choose a different path from them.

You will be constantly the talk among people.
You are forever noticeable.
Because you choose to be different.

Put a deaf ear. Put a blind eye to them. Shut your mouth, grit your teeth and just do whatever you have put your mind into. As long as you’re not doing anything that’s against the law or religion, you are allowed to venture into whatever road you want albeit what the rest says.

It’s gonna be hard,..because you choose a path that no one else dare enough to go into. It’s hard because this path you’ve chosen is not a popular choice among people and you’ve got to start from scratch and work yourself up all by yourself. It’s hard to prove to yourself when people around doesn’t really understand and support. And sometimes, you cant help but silently question yourself during the down days..” did I make the right choice..?”

Don’t be discouraged by people’s doubt and questioning look. Don’t be disturbed by their ordinariness. Don’t be bothered by their negative remarks. When your heart are filled with a burning desire plus an unshakeable faith that this is what you want, by all means, do it. Because you will succeed.

There's nothing wrong choosing the left turn when the others turn right. In fact, it makes you stand out in the crowd of people. It makes you unique and special. It shows that you're brave and highly-determined to go amidst the risk, no matter how difficult or challenging the path is.

You choose to stand up for what you believe in. You choose to be the person you are today. You chose to be different when the rest prefers the safeness of their comfort zone. You keep going forward no matter what the others say in order to reach the dreams you’ve been wanting all your life.

Don’t stop now. Don’t change for other people’s sake. Don’t back-off until you have tried all means to achieving your dream.

Because you will succeed. InsyaAllah =]

Sunday, September 23, 2007

'mencari cinta'

Aku bukan kayu
Meski kelihatannya kaku
Aku juga butuh cinta
Agar bisa hidup sempurna

Aku bukan tunggul
Yang sesuka hati aja kau senggul
Aku punya perasaan
Meski jarang benar aku lihatkan

Aku bukan patung boneka
Yang rela dijaja kepada sesiapa
Dibuat hiasan almari kaca
Sedang aku menangis meronta
Apa guna dipuja, diangkat derjat tinggi ke menara
Andai jiwaku

Kosong tak bernyawa
Tidak bahagia

Aku manusia biasa
Mungkin agak berbeda dari mereka
Jasad rohani tetap serupa
Biar falsafah hidup tidak sama
Matlamat akhir sealiran sekata
Mencari cinta dalam redha-Nya

Lantas ..

Izinkanku terbang
Benarkan ku bebas melayang
Dalam pengabdian hidup sebagai insan
Yang nafas diberi sekadar pinjaman
Entah esok, mungkin lusa..harus kupulangkan
Sebelum tiba ketikanya, sebelum suntuk masa,
Aku juga ingin bercinta.

- justme,2006

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Be brave and confess !

Fear of rejection. That's what holding most people from admitting their feelings or confessing their heart. We fear being turned down. Fearing the word 'failure / loser' printed on our face after the rejection. Cursing ourselves later for being too bold, going on bended knees in front of tht person. And worry to risk the comfortable friendship that might be slightly awkward after the confession.

So much things to worry. So little time.

But if you don't tell the person now, would you one day, after 10 years, be wondering and asking to yourself questions like.." what if i had tell what i feel about her/him..?" ... and " what if she/he had said yes..?".

When i was in matriculation, there was this guy who works as a cook in the cafeteria. I know him as the guy who ties a piece of cloth over his head, smiling shyly each time i place my order. One day, i went to eat by myself, waiting for my usual order -nasi goreng pattaya- while watching tv. He came from the kitchen, holding in his hand my plate of rice and place it in front of me, which was a bit weird because usually we have to go and get the food ourselves. When i look down at my nasi goreng pattaya, it took quite a while for me to register the words scribbled with ketchup on it. It reads ' I love u' with 'love' written in the shape of heart. I sit looking straight at my plate, not sure how to react. Should i politely smile while cheerfully wave to him, saying sthg like " thank you,.....hehehehe!" ( which sound terribly stupid when i think of it now ). Or should i pretend not noticing the words and began hungrily crushing his work of art with fork and spoon? What i remember was thinking to myself as i eat..

" what a creative way to express one's feeling... "

The point here is, be brave and say it out. Honestly and humbly. Maybe the person would respond by saying sthg like.." thank you, but i like us better as friends..", at least you have tried. By keeping it inside while you still got the chance, what good will it do. You never know what you might be missing by letting the opportunity pass by without you trying to take action to it. And if your honest confession resulted with disappointment, at least in the eyes of that person hearing you sincerely pouring your heart content, her impression of you has changed. She will see you differently, silently admiring your act of bravery. (well, is one act of courage, how many of us dare enough to admit our feelings to the person we like upfront..?) everyone who's still very single, if your eyes and heart are set on someone, ( who is also single .. ;]), don't waste time hesitating. Get to know that person, pray hard to God may HE will lead and guide the way, and think positively..insyaAllah, if your intention is good, good things will come to you. And if that person prefer a 'friendship' instead of sthg more than that, it's okay..don't be discouraged, at least you have found one friend. And someone else is yet to be the saying i read some time ago.." if you don't get what you want, just sit still and be patient, because God is thinking of something better for you.."

What that guy did sure was sweet, and that made him remembered till now. His readiness to be bold and confess, knowing there's a risk of rejection but he still did it anyway..